In 2015, JL released the album “God Is Good!” commemorating the15th anniversary of his coming to Japan. The release was coupled with a Japan nation-wide tour, that culminated in his home country Jamaica. JL’s second full album, “God Is Good!” has 15 songs representing his 15 years in Japan. Through the theme “God Is Good!” I want to convey to love, joy, hope, and peace to all who listen. The album represents my past, present, and future. I would like to share my music with the world… music / gospel born in Japan. People of Japan, for those in need of the gospel message of love, I want o dedicate this album to you all. For all those who supported me over the years, I want to show you my appreciation in song. May you all feel my heart through these songs.
- play/stop The Gospel – ザ・ゴスペル
- play/stop Total Praise – トータル・プレイズ
- play/stop This Little Light of Mine – 私の小さな光を
- play/stop He Cares For You – 大切な君へ
- play/stop Lord’s Prayer – 主の祈り
- play/stop Oh Happy Day – オー・ハッピー・デイ
- play/stop Falling in Love With Jesus – イエス様を愛するようになって
- play/stop Jesus Be A Fence – 主よ、私を守る囲いになってください
- play/stop Thank You – ありがとう
- play/stop Be Glad – 一緒に喜ぼう
- play/stop Because He Lives – 主は今生きておられる
- play/stop Walk And Talk – ワォーク&トーク
- play/stop No Time – 時間がない
- play/stop Pray Without Ceasing – たゆまず祈ろう
- play/stop God Is Good – 神様は素晴らしい